Performing and Connecting with our Community

Performing and Connecting with our Community
Type of post: Blue Sky Writing
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Michelle Neller
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 6 Aug 2024

Winter Activities

The last couple of months have been action-packed for our chorus! We ran a Winter A Cappella Workshop over four weeks, with eight members of the community signing up to have a go at singing a cappella music with us! We learnt two songs with our guests, then they had the opportunity to perform with us at our Winter A Cappella Concert.


There was a great turn-out for the concert, where audience members saw the results of our work and enjoyed a range of songs from our full choir, plus trios and quartets - including special guest quartet Saved by the Bell Chords!

You can check out our concert highlights reel on Instagram here.   

Our Winter A Cappella Concert. Top: Blue Sky Harmony. Bottom Left: Saved by the Bell Chords. Bottom Right: Trio

Following on from these events, we had a night off rehearsal for a social gathering. It was lovely to spend some time connecting, and we were also joined by some of our recent past members, Hayley, Suzi and Ainslie! Some happy snaps are below.


The next big event was ‘August A Cappella’ - the brainchild of our Musical Director, Julie. Julie approached the Musical Directors from choruses all over South-East Queensland and Northern NSW to organise this musical get-together. Seven choruses learnt 'You Gotta Be' in their own rehearsal time, then we came together to work on the song as a group, learn some tags and enjoy each other's company. Check out this post on Facebook for a video of 'You Gotta Be' - the final product!

We loved the opportunity to spend time with our friends from Redland Rhapsody Chorus, Vocalescence, Brisbane City Sounds, Hot Ginger, Coastal Charisma and Headliners and look forward to doing it again next year!